Wednesday, April 18, 2012

#Portlandbloggers, A Fashionable Set

My toes ache looking at these.

Shoe sample. Tights are important.
Sensible shoes? Oh please. When Portland Bloggers go out on a Saturday night, comfort is not in the cards. This group of gals is probably one of the better dressed crowds in the city. I can make that declaration because, frankly, walk the streets and you'll see the fashion in Portland is un-fashion. On purpose. Women make a calculated effort here not to look pretentious while pairing together layers, vintage accessories, outrageous fabrics and knits for a hint-of-hip look. Tweed? Got it. Tank in January? Slap on a scarf. Patterns on posies? Perfect. The outfits are so counter-intuitive, they work.
Olga, ever the blogging documentarian.
But Portland Bloggers dress better, with a definitive nod to NY coupled with an Oregon sensibility.

This has nothing to do with my regular topic, writing, you might argue. But I went to the Portland Blogger Meet-Up party Saturday night and had fun hanging with about 25 other women bloggers, despite feeling my age. I was probably the matron of the group, but hey, I got out my hippest shoes and babydoll dress and drank a really sweet cocktail, thanks to Jenni Bost, a Portland blogger who masterminded every detail.

She made us blog-gals feel special, complete with complimentary gifts, my first for writing this blog! I won a gift certificate to Nuvrei, a patisserie and cafe, and went home with beauty and home products from Blue Strawberry Scents, Radiant Cosmetics and meme & saysay. I guess that means I'm officially a lapdog for commerce. Soon, a personal assistant will be serving me latte. Now, if I could just get someone to buy my books.

Enjoy perusing the other ladies' blogs while I get back to the novels.
A Well-Crafted Party
Samantha Rosen
Garden of Edlen
Mandi Makes
The Confessions of a Product Junkie
Teenie Tiny Blog
Charmed in PDX
Vintage Glamorous
The Paper Mama
The Whim Wham Life
Adventures in Dressmaking
Grace and Stella
Vintage Pretty Pearl
One Stylish Day at a Time
Justine Elizabeth
Peony Sweet
Cosmopolitan Gem
The Portland Pretty
It's the Simple Moments that Stick

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the wonderful post! And, they are a stylish group, aren't they!?! So glad you came- I really enjoyed speaking with you!


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